
 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker


 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

.just like my mom says.

if it sounds too good to be true, then it probably is. and it was. i'm going to miscarry. had my blood levels checked again (cause i'm an annoying patient and begged the dr to let me have it done since i already needed to get my prolactin checked today). the level went from 96 on monday to 55 today. not good. really crappy. so therefore, i will have another one drawn friday to confirm that it's still going down and hopefully i'll miscarry on my own so i don't have to have a d&c. anyway, sorry we told you all, and now we have to be party-poopers. it just wasn't meant to be..so, when IS is meant to be? that's something i certainly wish i knew. thanks for all the well wishes and hopefully after we do it again in may we'll have some better news.

sidenote: so i had my prolactin checked again (ive been on medication for elevated prolactin since april 2009) and even with the drugs my levels have tripled! ugh. i do know that elevated prolactin can lead to miscarriage. great. and dr. f is so concerned about it that he wants me to have an mri next week to rule out a pituitary tumor. he can't think of any other reason it would go UP if i was on meds for it...other than a tumor. great news. thanks. i guess we'll go from there. maybe that really is the reason we've had such a hard time?


  1. So sorry Ashley. When "is" finally arrives, this will all be worth it. For now, hang in there, we're all pulling for you.

  2. I'm so sorry Ashley! I've been through some of what you are, the miscarriage and MRI with scare of the pituitary tumor. Let me know if you ever need anyone to talk to!

  3. Oh Ash, I am so sorry. This so so freaking crappy! I'm sure that there's nothing anyone can say to make you feel better, so just know you're in our prayers.

  4. I don't know you but a friend referred me to your blog. I know exactly what you're going through and I feel for you both and I'm so sorry. My husband and I just did IVF this past November, got pregnant only to go on and have an ectopic which then went on to burst and from there I had my fallopian tube removed. It is so hard and there really is nothing anyone can say to make it better. I just have been pulling for you over here and hoping it worked out. I admire your strength and drive to keep going and trying, you're a trooper. I hope this next time is the one and I appreciate you allowing us all to have a look into your journey.

  5. So sorry. I have been thinking about you. This breaks my heart. You'll be in our prayers. This will happen for you guys. You WILL be a mother.

  6. I'm so sorry Ashley. I don't any words to help. Dang it man.

  7. No no no!!! Oh Ash... I'm just so very sorry. Why does it have to be so hard?! You will be in our prayers also.

  8. We love you both and are thinking about you.
    So sorry.

  9. Hi Ashley. Just wanted you to know I still keep up with your blog. Y'all have been dealt a heavy hand and my heart hurts for you, but I know it'll happen when you least expect it. Hang in there and know my thoughts are with y'all always.

  10. We love you guys, and have been thinking about you all the time... Can't believe or imagine what you are going through, but please know you are in our thoughts and prayers, and wish the best for you guys...It will happen, you guys are just too cool to not be parents for any longer!

  11. Oh Ash and Cam! How I wish this could end for you. It's so hard to know the will of the God sometimes, and our heart just aches for you. Thank you for keeping up on this; I know it must be hard. Praying for you always.

  12. I am so sorry! I have been thinking about you. We are praying for you. Also, about the tumor thing, it could be why you are having such a hard time. A year ago I found out I had thyroid cancer, which explained a ton of things for me that had happened to me the years before. Anyway, good luck with everything. I hope all goes the way it should.:)
