
 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker


 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Monday, January 31, 2011


look who made his debut january 7th, 2011.. at 4:03 pm
wyatt jackson owens
7lbs 8oz
21 inches
to read the story click here:

Saturday, January 1, 2011

.we made it.

yup, we made it to 2011.. our little guy is still snug as a bug in my squishy uterus. it's such an odd rush of emotions.. you want to meet them, yet you're still not sure if everything is totally ready, and you want your little one to come when THEY are ready. i'm totally ready for him, but is he ready for us? as for our last appt (38 weeks) i was still about 3cm dilated, but almost 100% effaced. my next appt is on wednesday (jan 5) and i'm going to ask dr. g if she would consider induction for that thursday or friday? doesn't hurt to ask, right? mostly i'm just super anxious and absolutely excited to meet him. i can't even believe he'll be here in less than 2 weeks! we're pretty set on his name, but you'll have to wait and see when he comes :) hopefully next post we'll have a little baby in our home.. can't wait to meet you, little man.