
 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker


 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Saturday, April 21, 2012

.15 months.

15 months
i haven't updated this blog in a while.. here's a few things wyatt is doing at 15 months
our pedi doesn't do 15 month check ups unless they're concerned about growth or something else...
but wyatt is weighing in at a hefty
27 pounds
32 inches tall
and so dang adorable!
some things we don't want to forget about him right now:
-how he points to my belly when we ask "where's brother?"
-he gives high fives, bones, and kisses (both mouth to mouth or blows them to us)
-does "who loves wyatt. I DO!"
-does animal sounds for monkey, dog, horse, cow, lion, and tiger
-gives awesome squeezies (hugs)
-knows how to pinch his nose when we ask if he's stinky
-can say ball (DAH!) and balloon (da-innngg)
-says mama and DAD really clearly
-signs more, please, and thank you
-still eats whatever we give him.. loves green beans the most
-is transitioning from 2 naps to 1
-still sleeps 12 hours at night
-says CHEESE when we take pictures
-has been loving the backyard pool we got from grandma
- carries the baby doll around and rocks it (mostly cause we ask him to)
-drinks A LOT, mostly water!! how are we going to potty train! EVER!?
-is learning things that are "dangerous" like the street and pool.. waves his hand out in front of him when we say it's dangerous... so funny.
im sure theres lots more things im forgetting to add but here are just a few that we are loving right now. we can't wait to see how he adapts to the new baby. we're loving this stage so much, it will be strange going back to a newborn routine.. but we'll get there.

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