
 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker


 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

.37 week appt.

just got back from dr g's office for my 37 week appt. just love her. she wanted to be SURE he was head down so she brought in the lovely ultrasound machine. it was nice to see our little guy again. we got to see his little face for the first time (at the 20 week ultrasound his hands were mostly covering his face). i think he has cameron's smushy lips and a button nose kinda like mine. we'll see if that's true soon enough! anyway, today was my first internal exam and i was pleasantly surprised that instead of being totally closed up...i was dilated to 2.5 and 70-80% effaced. i'm trying not to get too excited, because i know you can hang out like that for weeks and weeks, but dr g felt pretty confident that i won't make it to my due date. that's pretty exciting. also, she said that since i have already shown that i can make progress, she wouldn't mind inducing me a few days early or at least stripping my membranes! yay! now for flex pay purposes, i really really don't want him to come this year! we put lots of money on our flex pay for 2011, just to pay for the delivery, so if he comes this year, that money will have to be used for something else (maybe lasix for me??) anyway, anytime after january 1st at 12:01am is fine, but not this year, ha ha. in all seriousness though, we'll take him whenever he's ready :) and it would be super fun for whit to be here to meet him :) only a couple weeks!


  1. So excited for you! Already having made progress is a fantastic sign. Hopefully, your labor will be super speedy. I'll give one piece of unsolicited advice, don't be in a rush to have your water break. Labor with your membranes intact as long as you can. Once your water breaks you leak (a lot) for the rest of labor and the contractions feel a lot more vicious once your water breaks. The effect is pretty immediate so have a nurse hang out with a little Fentanyl if you don't already have an epidural if you decide to have them break your water. It won't block your feeling but it will help with the speedy intensity change. Let me know if you have any questions or just want a technical play-by-play of a real experience to read. I collected some from my friends as well before Will was born and it made me feel better prepared. It will be just a blink of an eye before you're snuggling your little peanut! Also, if you plan to nurse, go shop for nursing tops now; you won't want to after he's born. I personally really like the Milkstars line. Good Luck and keep us posted!

  2. Oh that is the best appt. ever when they tell you you've progressed. So excited for you guys. I'll just keep checking back. Hope you had a Great Christmas
