
 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker


 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

.round ligaments, ugh.

maybe it's a little early to be having such dramatic symptoms, but geez.. they weren't kidding about that round ligament pain. i can't even cough without having to crouch over. i can totally feel them just stretching away.. or so i think. i'm still fitting fine into my normal clothes, which i find a little weird, since i'm into my 2nd trimester? but i'm not going to complain. i'm sure the belly will come. i also haven't gained a pound.? once again, not complaining, but i really eat well (ha ha) and didn't throw up much in the 1st trimester..so i'm hoping dr. g is ok with that. of course i'm going to question every little thing since it is my first and don't have a clue what being pregnant is like. i still find it SO WEIRD that i have NO proof of being pregnant...no real belly, can't feel kicks yet, and now i feel much better than before, so it really baffles me. if it weren't for that handy dandy doppler at work (oh, and maybe those ligament pains), i wouldn't believe it was true. anyway, i have my 16w appt in 2 weeks and i'm excited to see what dr. g says. can't wait to see her again.


  1. It's great to hear an update!

    I really didn't gain any weight until week 16 or so (can't remember exactly but it was later than I expected). So your good :)

  2. Hi
    I am so happy to come across your blog while searching for someone who has had success with SIRM las vegas. We have had 2 failed cycles and have consulted with Dr. Sher for cycle #3. we are so scared and nervous because this is our 3rd try. Congrats on your pregnancy! You have given us some hope that we have lost with 2 failed cycles. Dr. Sher has suggested the agonist/antagonist protocol and I wanted to ask you about the one you had success on. Can you please email me at bluediamond9090@gmail.com? thanks so much. I'm very happy I found someone who has done the agonist/antagonist and have success!
