
 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker


 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Wednesday, June 23, 2010


so we had our first ob appt yesterday, so i'm FINALLY released from my reproductive endocrinologist...which also means...NO MORE SHOTs, MEDs, or SUPPOSITORIEs! i never thought that would happen! i think now they refer to me as a normal patient. thank goodness. anyway, i switched drs from my original ob because i'd heard such great things about this practice. i was SO against a girl dr, but we were so pleasantly surprised by dr. gravelle. she was AMAZING! so personal, did not make us feel rushed, answered all our questions, and even did an ultrasound even though we just had one a week ago. we saw our little peanut again, and cam was even able to see it's hands covering it's face. i was sideways and couldn't really tell anything from something, but it was so cute to see it bouncing and flipping around. everything looks so good and i'm actually measuring 3 days ahead... so i'm almost 12 weeks! i'm feeling pretty good, most days. i get to go back to see dr. gravelle in 4 weeks and can't wait to see her again. oh, and the best part, she's pregnant too, and due in september, so she'll be back in the office before i deliver. sweet. so fun. we're so excited, now..finally.


  1. Yippy! I switched OBs at 13 weeks because my male OB was clearly too busy to bother with me. My female OB is SO much better. Glad you found a good one-- SO important!

  2. So AWESOME!!!! We're so excited for you. Yea for the little peanut!

  3. So great! Love the picture of your peanut! He/She is a cute little thing :)
