
 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker


 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

.beta scare.

and we're still scared. i swear i jinxed ourselves when i posted that yesterday. so i had another blood test done monday morning, march 1. we were really hoping for a number of 150 or so. i was crushed when cameron told me it was only 96. so now, we're in beta hell. dr fisch called and was actually optimistic as our last 2 betas rose more than the expected 66% in 48 hours and he said sometimes you just get a bad day or bad hour and that he expects that we'll go on to have a normal pregnancy. he did not rule out miscarriage..but he did seem hopeful this was just a fluke. with ivf, knowing that you had more than one embryo transferred, it is likely that you could implant both and one dies off, thus causing the beta numbers to plateau for a day or two, but with our inital low numbers, that seem somewhat far-fetched. i was pretty heart-broken this morning, but after going about the day i'm hopeful, yet realistic. dr. fisch would like me to repeat the blood test next tuesday! a WHOLE WEEK away! agh. anyway, i guess i'll just keep peeing on those tests to make sure it's not going down..

hang in there, little guy.. we just wanna meet you. love, mom and dad.


  1. Oh Ash, I'm so sorry you're in beta hell! I just know that it will all work out and it was just a fluke! If I were you, I'd buy those cheap dollar store tests because they're not very sensitive and are obviously inexpensive, so you can keep your sanity while testing away!

  2. I'm here from Cycle Sista. Just wanted to tell you that I'm so happy for your positive beta, but so sorry you are limbo at the moment! You have to wait a WEEK for another beta?!?! I don't think I could survive that. Can't he order one sooner, if for no other reason than to spare your sanity? Hopefully you can take some comfort in his confidence while you wait. My fingers are crossed for you.

  3. Ash, we love you and are praying for you.
