
 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker


 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Sunday, October 25, 2009

.let's talk about shots.

so with ivf you have to do tons of shots..big surprise, right? well, i have yet again, began doing these shots and after a whole cycle last month of doing this you would think i'd be "used" to it... nope. last night (my first one) i sat with the needle facing my belly for about 3 minutes before i got up the courage to stab it in. i can't believe how easy it is to do to other people..like my patients, but when it comes to me..i'm a baby. i'm not complaining at all, and don't need sympathy, it's just a realization to me, that maybe my patients hate it too. i'm excited to go to my baseline ultrasound next week...hopefully i'll have lots of follicles!


  1. I totally remember wimping out several times before finally getting up the courage to do it...and Brian was even worse! It's just hard to do that to yourself, but hopefully totally worth it!

  2. Sometimes we realize how callused we have become, don't we? We're keeping our fingers crossed for you!

  3. Good luck you two... You're in our prayers.
